Evaluating Hospice.

These are questions we receive frequently, which might help you better evaluate both your need for hospice care and your hospice care provider.

  • Hospice is a philosophy of care. It treats the person rather than the disease and focuses on quality of life. It surrounds the patient and family with a team consisting of professionals who not only address physical distress, but emotional and spiritual issues as well. Hospice care is patient-centered because the needs of the patient and family drive the activities of the hospice care team.

  • The staff of Hospice of Leesville includes a Minister. He visits as often as the patient and/or family requests.

  • Hospice of Leesville partners with several hospitals throughout the area in managing the inpatient hospice units in those facilities. Under hospice care, the patient may be hospitalized to control symptoms or to provide respite care for the family if necessary.

  • Although Hospice of Leesville maintains a staff of physicians, a hospice patient is not required to change doctors. Any Louisiana licensed physician can be the primary physician if he or she wishes to continue caring for the hospice patient.

  • Hospice of Leesville has in place several measures of quality care. One example of such measure is the Family Satisfaction Survey, sent to the primary care giver approximately one month after the patient’s death. That survey helps us determine -- among other factors -- our rate of success in managing the patient’s pain and discomforting symptoms, educating the family members in the care of their patient, and preparing the family emotionally for the death of their loved one. Another measure is a survey completed by family members in the bereavement program. That survey helps us determine how well we have helped family members cope with their loss after the patient's death.

  • The volunteers of Hospice of Leesville share with us a belief in the right of each person to spend one's final days in peace and comfort and to die with dignity at home. They are trained and specially selected for duty in the areas of direct patient care, pastoral care, and bereavement care. They provide an extra measure of support to the patient and family.

  • Hospice of Leesville features Licensed Clinical Social Workers. In addition to helping patients and family members cope with the emotional challenges involved in facing the end of life for themselves or someone they love, the hospice social workers are skilled in identifying and connecting patients and their families with services of other community organizations. For example, they can help with wills and estate planning, funeral arrangements, financial assistance for medications, meals for homebound senior citizens and arrange for sitters.

  • Hospice of Leesville employs registered nurses; who are certified in hospice and palliative nursing. Many have 10 or more years of experience in hospice care.

  • Hospice of Natchitoches was established in Natchitoches, Louisiana, and maintains its administrative office here. While other hospice programs may have a regional office in Natchitoches or a nearby city, many of them have corporate headquarters out of state sending employees from areas such as Shreveport, LA or Alexandria, LA.

  • Since its founding in 2005, Hospice of Leesville has been fortunate to receive tremendous support from the communities it serves in the form of financial contributions, volunteer time, and general good will. Physicians in Leesville and surrounding Parishes have chosen Hospice of Leesville as their preferred hospice of choice.

  • Hospice of Leesville follows the Medicare Hospice Benefit guidelines which allows re-certification after a six-month period based on the patient continuing to meet hospice eligibility criteria.

  • Hospice of Leesville currently holds the distinction of being one of very few hospice organizations in Louisiana that accepts most patients regardless of their ability to pay. With the help of the Hospice of Natchitoches Foundation, Hospice of Leesville covers the cost of professional services, medications, durable medical equipment, and emergency assistance for patients without a payment source.

  • Hospice of Leesville assesses patients individually and makes recommendations to ensure medications are affective. Hospice of Leesville has an extensive list of approved medications in accordance with the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.

  • Hospice of Leesville has professional staff regularly scheduled to respond to calls from patients or family members and to make visits at night and on weekends. In addition, physicians are available to the professional staff 24 hours a day, seven days a week.